perjantai 2. elokuuta 2013

Give a dick!

Today could have been great. I was planning to go see the Japanese war ship that is visiting Helsinki this week, but when I say the queue I turned around and went for drinks and sushi with a friend instead.

But, somehow I've been battling some major mood swings the past month. I know it's the infamous post-dissertation feeling of emptiness and that it's a phase that passes, but somehow it feels like my life as I know it has come to some sort of an end and everything is changing at once.

That, and three of my close friends will be gone in September. Two in Afghanistan and one in Brussels. I'm left behind with friends most of whom have no idea what I've been dealing with all this year.

2 kommenttia:

  1. :( Mutta olen jännittynyt kuulemaan mitä päätät tehdä!

  2. Welllll, uusi tutkimuskuvio ja uusi duuni on hakusessa.
