Last spring I contaced a woman who I knew was going to attend a conference I was going to. I told her she has done many things I need to learn from, such as launching a career in the military as a female academic expert. Before the conference we met at the airport and then drove to the conference city together. Very soon it became clear I had contacted a very special person. She knew the context I was working with and had such insight. That, and I felt extremely comfortable talking to her even about the most personal things. We became friends and have stayed in touch - and I know I will keep learning from her.
Women don't support each other a lot, and I'm lucky to have a mentor like her. I love her balls. CLICK
You really have been lucky to find yourself a mentor. Women do not support each other - that's unfortunately so true and especially in business, which I've found out hard way... That's sad. In that sense it is lovely to hear another kind of story :)
VastaaPoistaHave a nice weekend! And thanks for blogging.
I know I'm lucky, and that's what I've told my mentor too. Her response: "You deserve it. You're awesome." See? :)
VastaaPoistaHave a great new week Tarja! :)